萬泓環保GL鐵碳填料 鐵碳微電解填料,在處理廢水過程中表現出去除COD、重金屬效果好、運行穩定,不板結、消耗少等多種優點,補海外華人企業所認可并持續合作,得到海外客戶的極大認可。
wan hong GL Iron carbon filler is mainly used in the pretratment and deep treatment of various kinds of organic wastewater with high concentration and difficulty to degrade,which can efficiently romove COD,chroma,heavy metals and improve the biodegradability of wastewater.
The COD revoval rate is between 30% and 70%. Part of wastewater COD removal rate is as high as 80% or more.
wanhong GL Iron carbon filler will not harden for life.
以上就是對“外貿出口鐵碳填料 鐵碳微電解填料Iron carbon filler”的介紹,其它技術問題歡迎來電溝通交流。我們為您提供長期穩定不板結的優質鐵碳填料及微電解技術支持,同時為您提供微電解設備、微電解反應器、微電解塔的尺寸大小、設計制作等服務。歡迎來電咨詢15653605538。